Saturday, March 9, 2013

Griselda kehrää - Griselda purrs

Kerrankin (toistaiseksi) Griselda kehrää tyytyväisenä - tein sille kaminan. Öisin on yhä ollut -20 astetta, joten ymmärrän ilon.

For once (and for now) Griselda is purring like a kitten - I made her a stove: The nights have still been -20 degrees Celsius, so I understand her joy.

Tästä lähdettiin - mun vanha Airamin taskulamppu otti ja hajosi ja riisuin sen metallisen rungon turhista härpäkkeistä:

This was the starting point - my old Airam flashlight stopped working and I stripped it down to the metal frame:

Takkaesitteestä löytyi sopivan näköinen tuli ja kätköistäni kaivoin korunosia koristeiksi:

I found a suitably toasty pic from an ad for fireplaces and dug out some jewellery findings from my stash:

Näistä korviksista napsautin nuo "nupit". Toisesta tuli kaminan luukun nuppi, toisesta venttiili. Nuo kaksi oikealla näkyvää korunosaa saivat uuden elämän luukun saranoina:

I snapped those "knobs" off these ear rings. One of them ended up as the knob on the stove hatch, the other as a valve. The two bits on the right are now the hinges of the stove's hatch:

Koristeita ja luukkuja:

Ornaments and hatches:

Tällaisesta kyntteliköstä ruuvasin pidikkeen pois:

I screwed the candle holder from this:

Kamina sai siitä hatun. Musta tuntuu että toi hatun pää jengoineen ehkä kaipaa vielä jotain... hmmm... mitä mieltä olette? Putkea siihen ei tule, sillä hormiin liittyvä osio on kaminan selkäpuolella. Joku koriste? Vai jätänkö hatun tuollaiseksi?

I turned it into the stove's hat. I feel the point with the hinges might still need a little something... hmmmm... what do you think? I though of a pipe at first, but ended up putting that at the back of the stove. An ornament of some kind? Or should I just just leave the hat as it is?

Vain Griseldalla on pokkaa vallata Voldemortin tornipiilon makkari ja käskeä Pimeyden Lordi yhä  sisustamattomaan Marvolo Manoriin... "Tees tilaa vanhemmilles poika ja lakkaa mesoamasta sillä taikasauvallasi ennen kuin löydät sen yllättävästä paikasta! ... Vai käärmeitä - onpa hienovaraista! Mutta kyllä tuo peti välttää!"

Only Griselda has the crystal balls to take possession of Voldemort's tower bedroom and send the Dark Lord packing to the still bare Marvolo Manor... "Make room for your elder and quit waving that wand at me son, or you'll soon find it in an unexpected place! ... Snakes huh? A little on the nose, hmmm? But the bed'll do all the same!"


Unknown said...

The stove looks terrific! Very creative! Hope all is well in your part of the world!


Jackie said...

How clever to use those jewelry findings to make such an ornate stove! I love it! You have a real eye for reinventing tiny things into such wonderful miniatures! Happy weekend!

Many mini hugs,

Eija said...

Mahtava suoritus, ihan Nukkekotilehden Niksiboxin arvoinen, jos kuvia saa käyttää? Ja jos on laittaa "alkuperäinen" vehje ja sitten pari vaihekuvaa?
Täällä tapahtuu niin paljon mukavaa ja - kyllä, aina käöy niin että kun jotain alkaa etsimään, koko päivä menee, hyvä jos löytää ja sitten hanke siirtyy (aina) vähintään seuraavaan päivään;)

afairytalecometruewyrna said...

You're good. It is such a good idea, so well made. Very impressive. Thank you for showing how.

shaairah said...

Thanks guys :)

shaairah said...

Kiitti Eija :) Ikävä kyllä mulla ei ole muita kuvia kuin nämä suttuiset :/ Taskulampunkin olin ottanut osiin jo aiemmin, mutta tällainen se oli alunperin:

Unknown said...

Lovely stove, it looks very warm ;)

Fabiola said...

Your stove is original and magnificent. Griselda looks very happy.
Bye Faby

elizabeth s said...

What a very inventive and creative use for an old flashlight! I never would have thought of that, thank you! for the tutorial. I love using jewelry finding too, and you have made good use of yours! Have you thought of anything maybe for the feet? I like the way you have made a "fire" burning from inside the stove,as it makes the room now look very warm and cosy. Great Job!


shaairah said...

Thanks :) I'm still thinking about the feet, but haven't found anything I'm entirely happy with. None of the beads I looked at felt quite right and I'm thinking I'll probably have to make some more or les from scartch. Same with the connecting pipe to the chimney.

minwks said...

Very inventive way of looking at the flashlight for the stove! You did a great job.. Thank you for sharing. the stove hat looks perfect the way it is. Can it really be -20?
Regards Janine

shaairah said...

Thanks Janine :) Unfortunately the nights are still very cold, but the good news is that during the day it gets warmer already. Spring is here! Hurrah! Now if the snow would melt pronto, I'd be thrilled :)

Monique said...

Very beautiful !